Engagement summary

Our team is supporting a multi-year Organizational Effectiveness transformation for the Office of MaineCare Services (OMS). The Lean Healthcare East team has supported a half-dozen Lean Six Sigma improvement project teams and is working with approximately 25 functional teams within OMS to support improvement.
Lean East Lean Government Services
The Lean Healthcare East team has trained and coached project teams and leaders in projects that have achieved results. Each project has trained leaders and staff the principles of Lean Thinking and how to use powerful continuous improvement tools for process improvement. We have also provided strategic input and guidance for the OMS Organizational Excellence transformation, facilitated leadership SWOT analysis sessions, and trained leaders best practices in organizational leadership and development to support the transformation.
Project teams followed the Lean East A3 problem solving process based on a Plan-Do-Check-Adjust (PDCA) model in order to complete projects and achieve results. Projects included areas of vendor management, provider relations, non-emergency transport, prior authorization approvals, and the Maine Health Information Management System change processes.
Our team has supported OMS teams and team leaders as the identify key performance indicators (KPIs) for their area/process. We are helping the teams measure, display, and improve KPIs in their area. In the coming months we will support coaching for a Rapid Operations Walk (ROW) that shares team results throughout the organization, gives leaders an opportunity to practice their coaching skills, supports standardization and process improvement for each team, standardizes leadership visits to the shop floor (gemba) and offers a new way to share and celebrate team improvements.
Client testimonial
“We chose the lean six sigma experts at Lean Healthcare East (LHCE) to engage our employees in improving the operational processes that support our MaineCare providers and members, resulting in more streamlined and efficient work processes. LHCE also provided a lean approach to helping us implement our strategic plan for organizational excellence, focusing on creating a more satisfied and effective workforce. Our team was excited to take a new approach that will help improve the way they work and manage employees. We also leveraged Steve and team to develop strong Key Performance Indicators to measure, monitor, and manage our performance in various business areas. These indicators will help us focus on delivering more value to Maine citizens every day.” – Douglas Smith, Chief Operating Officer, Office of MaineCare Services, Maine State Department of Health and Human Services
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