
Lean East Team

Steve Musica
Steve Musica
Senior Consultant
Steve Musica leads business and healthcare improvement projects as the President of Lean East.
Bob Cameron
Bob Cameron
Senior Consultant
Bob Cameron is a certified Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt.
Michelle Wyman
Michelle Wyman
Senior Organizational Development Consultant
Michelle Wyman is a Senior Consultant with a mission to create learning opportunities that support and engage individuals and organizations.
Dan Skinner
Dan Skinner
Senior Consultant
Dan Skinner is a Senior Consultant with strong dual leadership and analytical strengths.
Lisa Westberg
Lisa Westberg
Lean Healthcare Executive Strategist, Leader and Coach
Lisa Westberg consults on healthcare improvement efforts that improve patient quality while reducing costs.
Emily Cloutier
Emily Cloutier
Marketing Assistant
Emily Cloutier is a Marketing Assistant helping Lean East introduce and implement marketing strategies to expand the Lean East network across Maine and New England.

What our clients say

Lean East Blog

The Continuing Evolution of the Employee
July 24, 2024
The Continuing Evolution of the Employee Using AI
Lean East discusses recent growth in artificial intelligence (AI) models and how it will lead to the continuing evolution of the employee.
Defining Kaizen and Other Japanese Words in Lean
June 26, 2024
Defining Kaizen and Other Japanese Words in Lean
Lean East defines many of the common Japanese words in Lean creating a reference guide that is easy to access and understand.
Part 2: 10 Great Leadership Lessons from Elon Musk
May 29, 2024
10 Great Leadership Lessons from Elon Musk II
Lean East shares Part 2: 10 Great Leadership Lessons from Elon Musk after reading Walter Isaacson's 2023 best-selling book titled Elon Musk.


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