Selecting a Lean Project

Selecting a Lean Project

How should an organization new to Lean thinking select a good initial Lean project? Click here for our project selection matrix with eight things to consider.

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Team of Teams

Team of Teams

It is time to move away from command-and-control management, sharing purpose and knowledge while extending trust to every worker

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Accelerating Change

Accelerating Change

Three actions the Lean East team recommends to improve the pace of change and likelihood of success in organizational transformation.

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Leaders Eat Last

Leaders Eat Last

We review the Simon Sinek book, Leaders Eat Last, and discuss five chemicals that our body has designed for evolutionary reasons that impact us today.

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People Don’t Hate Change

People Don’t Hate Change

Many organizations have dedicated employees and smart leaders, yet struggle with change. Why do some teams and organizations struggle more than others?

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Simplify the Customer

Simplify the Customer

To improve health care delivery in the United States, simplify the customer. Single-payer healthcare and free-market healthcare systems are discussed and contrasted.

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