Continuous Flow
Lean East shares the benefits of trying to achieve continuous process flow – completing one piece at a time rather than batching. Reduce buffers to see problems!
Lean East shares the benefits of trying to achieve continuous process flow – completing one piece at a time rather than batching. Reduce buffers to see problems!
“The Goal: A Process of Ongoing Improvement” by Eli Goldratt. Learn how to use the Theory of Constraints to identify and eliminate process bottlenecks.
Lean East clients experience increased profit and improved outcomes. Our business case for Lean thinking and Lean engagements includes five client examples.
We define and explain the differences between push and pull in Lean Six Sigma, and why the goal is to “flow value at the pull of the customer.”
Learn about the Lean Improvement Kata and Coaching Kata and how they develop new habits of scientific thinking to benefit your organization.
As the world becomes more complex, organizations must experiment to learn and grow. We share the Lean East improvement cycle and tips for leaders, on video!
Five similarities between Lean and Agile Methodologies & exploration of the ways we use both to reach your Team’s Improvement Goals.
Learn the difference between the Lean wastes of Motion and Transportation (with examples) and how to eliminate these wastes from your processes.
Lean East develops high performing organizations (HPOs) using Lean Six Sigma methods by focusing in three areas: People, Processes, and Performance. Learn more.
A summary of The Toyota Way: 14 Management Principles from the World’s Greatest Manufacturer. How many of these principles are you following?
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